

To serve better and grow beyond boundaries.


To place ZEFA as one of the modern leading business partners, top priority for the customer choice by offering solutions with environment friendly technologies; Successfully, Characteristic and Helpfully for the better life.


To grow beyond boundaries to be the best global company in the field of Water & Air Treatment

  • What are the facts and what we have to do to proving our VISION ?
  • By 2023, ZEFA will be expanded to other countries: Asean in 2023, and other  Asia countries step  by  step,  and whenever  possible  also  other continents, to introduce and offering our premium quality of products and services
  • We have UOS (Ultimate Oxidation System) as our superior products,  which is continuously be improved and developed to reach a perfect, durable and proven status
  • We expect and very sure that our principal in air treatment field shall allow us to expand our market territory overseas at least to cover regional market.
  • ZEFA group companies will become the best place to work, the best 10 companies in Indonesia, and will become global company

What are the strengths and the opportunities we have ?

  1. ZEFA has own developed product for Water & Air Treatment due to OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and The Sole Agent
  2. Can  offer  unique and some discriminators which we  are  different compared to the competitors that mean we always offering sophisticated technology solutions better than any competitors
  3. Has  own  R&D  division  which  continuously  explores and develop  for  better possibilities and innovation
  4. Already  registered  for  Brands  and  Trademark,  will  go  to  HAKI  for invention

How can it possibly be achieved and what should be prepared ?

  1. We continually investing our money both to improve our manpower team in order to enhance their capability and their professionalism and resulting in better productivity
  2. To participate in important and major exhibition/expos internationally
  3. Open opportunity to be our sales agent and distirbutors either abroad
  4. Open branch offices in big/major cities throughout Indonesia

Qualification of employees especially at managerial function levels :

  • Who has strong discipline and loyal to the company and also good integrity
  • Who has strong capacity and ambition to grow
  • Who has a vision; personal in line with Big Vision of the company
  • Who has and dare to think big and act on it

What is the Key Success Factors ?

  1. Has a strong will and striving in the competition at a competitive and battlefield
  2. Develop a strong working team
  3. Family Unity and strong support from his/her family
  4. Taking  offensive  rather  than a defensive  position  to  penetrate  the market

Our Striving Motto :

  • Connected
  • One Spirit – One Mind – One Vision
  • We treat it right


To place ZEFA as one of the modern leading business partners, top priority for the customer choice by offering solutions with environment friendly technologies; Successfully, Characteristic and Helpfully for the better life

The Meaning;

  • Towards the Market : It’s possible that our customers may not appointed ZEFA due to the affordability of high quality standard of products and services offered by ZEFA, but not due to unfamiliarity, or doubt of competency and perfection of products and services offered by ZEFA.
  • Towards our Competitors: With the presence of ZEFA, our competitors will appreciate our business attitude and look forward to maintain fairly competition among competitors.
  • Towards our employees: ” Work is FUN but we are seriously talking about the achievement toward the best place to work and be a star ! “

The Square Pilars of ZEFA Culture





From our Vision & Mission, we have established our MOTTO for our clients

“We Treat It Right”

This means that everything we do, we do it with righteousness
(excellent; accurate; perfect; and unmatchingly)


With the hard work and effort of all our staff and the gift from God Almighty, ZEFA has managed to overcome many difficult times and gradually expand its business in Indonesia. It is our pride that ZEFA has constantly widened its operations in various divisions, such as; AQUARIGHT-Specialty Chemicals,; ZEFATECH-Industrial Maintenance Products & Services, AMKCO-Process Equipment, CHUGOKU-Marine Paints & Heavy Duty Coatings, and ZEFATECH-Total Water Management System. These operations are very much required in various sectors of industries in Indonesia and globally.

And with pride, we would also like to announce that ZEFA besides being a manufacturer has gained confidence and trust from foreign manufacturers as well, of which ZEFA has been appointed the sole agent in Indonesia by MINCO UK LTD. MINCO is renowned globally as a leading producer of detergents  and chemical substance for gas turbine cleaner. We also since 2009 has been appointed the sole agent for MIKROPOR,Turkey specialized in Gas, Air and Liquid Filters. Such working relationship has endorsed ZEFA’s business status, which has  been entering the International business arena.

For our valued clients, please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to know more about PT ZEFA VALINDO JAYA and its products and services. We have professional staff specializing in various fields to assist you in any ways we could. It is our pleasure to see our products and services being useful in the development of various parties.

Finally, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude for your kind attention and cooperation in any ways. And, we are sure that in any good relationship, it is from sincerity and faith.

With kind regards,
Senior Managing Director/CEO